Wednesday, January 12, 2011

More Commissioned Work

Admittedly, I've been a behind schedule on all the Blog Posts. My New Year's Resolution is to stay on top of it - but first I have to catch up. Below are some snapshots of a residential commission I completed in October. The client owns a traditional single-family home and wanted to juxtapose her half bathroom with the rest of the house's decor.
Her only criteria for the mural was that it includes imagery related to our fair city of Fredericksburg, and that it incorporates technology (she's a web designer by profession). Finally, she has a love for street art which is how this whole project got started.

I drew my inspiration from all the public restrooms I've visited throughout the years - where the walls are covered in writing. Most of the text incorporated in this mural came from some of my favorite hip hop lyrics.

Scarlett and I are happy to work with clients to create original artwork in both ceramics and painting. If interested commissioning work, contact us via the PONSHOP Website.
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