Friday, November 26, 2010

Gift Giving for the Holidazed...

Friday, November 26 2010: Since I was a kid, I've always tracked the official start to the holiday media blitz to the Macy's Day Parade. These days the advertising phenomenon has permeated our email inboxes, cell phones, and facebook posts that after a while it all gets pretty overwhelming.

Ironically, Scarlett and I find ourselves in the position of having to do just that - spend time promoting our new buisness. So for all of our fans and gracious clientele we've known for years, before we barrage you with our latest (and believe us we mean "most recent" - like painting as we type) works of art from our gallery, we'd like to thank you for your encouragement and positive response to what's now become the dream that Scarlett and I have shared for many years. Viva PONSHOP!

Below are some snapshots of our holiday window display. Shout Outs to Lova Revolutionary for providing us the sweet plush holiday tree as well as Luxchroma Design Studio for the LED illumination in the storefront windows. Also a big shout out to all of our contributing artists - Gracias!


PONSHOP by Night.

Check out the array of PONSHOP ceramic snowflakes and plush gift card ornaments by Clink Designs.

The heavily coveted Ecoist Handbag and Medusa Wood Block Minis

PONSHOP features unique gifts for the whole dang family.
Holiday Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 10am-6pm, Fri & Sat 10am-8pm.
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