Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Laguna Beach Lifeguards need our help

A direct call from Tex Haines -

Dear Skimboarders,

Tonight is a great opportunity to show your support for the lifeguards. I am asking any and all skimboarders to consider showing up for a half an hour (see message below) to just be there in support of the lifeguard department. The current Lifeguard Headquarters is ridiculously small, located on a sewer pump station and they need more space. One very nearby hotel owner has formed a fake “locals-are-concerned-about-the-view-loss” group to object to the expansion. The amount of view loss is miniscule especially considering the armpit nature of that portion of Main Beach, combining bathrooms, sewer pump station, hotel looming overhead, stairways and Lifeguard Headquarters. So please, we urge you to be there in support of the local Laguna Beach Lifeguards. Please wear your favorite skimboarding hat and a white T and be there. Tell everyone you can and thanks!

Tex Haines (owner Victoria Skimboards)

Additional Information:
Meeting Location: Laguna Beach City Council Chambers (City Hall)
Meeting Date: October 22, 2008
Meeting Time: 6:30pm
Meeting information: A Planning Commission session only but the Lifeguards need our support. If we show our backing of our local lifeguards a change can be made. The commission needs to know we're there (nothing needs to be said as showing up in support of the lifeguards is support enough).
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